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15 Tips for the LinkedIn Social Selling Index Algorithm in 2024

15 Tips for the LinkedIn Social Selling Index Algorithm in 2024

LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index (SSI) is catching everyone’s attention. If you’ve ever wondered why your posts aren’t blooming with views, why your messages don’t seed connections, or what you might be doing wrong in your outreach, the SSI score shows you how to nourish your online presence. Just as plants grow stronger with the right care, boosting your SSI can lead to 45% more opportunities to harvest sales. It’s all about giving your LinkedIn profile the nutrients it needs to thrive.

If you’re unsure about where to begin or what to improve, don’t worry. We’re here to give you some pointers and help you make the most of this platform.

LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index measures how well you and your profile are doing in promoting your brand. This includes finding the right people, sharing valuable insights, and building relationships.

The Power of a High LinkedIn SSI Score

A higher SSI score on LinkedIn means you’re more likely to be seen as a leader in your field, generate leads, and successfully close deals. LinkedIn rewards those who are skilled in social selling with a higher score.

LinkedIn SSI: How it Works for Everyone

The SSI is available to all LinkedIn users, regardless of whether you have a free or paid account. LinkedIn calculates SSI based on four pillars: establishing your brand, finding people, engaging with insights, and building relationships. Each pillar can contribute up to 25 points, making the total score range from 0 to 100. This shows that each section is equally important in calculating your overall SSI on LinkedIn. As of 2024, focusing on these pillars is a must, if you want to boost your LinkedIn game.

Now, let’s get to the point and discuss how exactly you can improve your SSI score on LinkedIn.

Tips to increase LinkedIn SSI score

1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile

Yes, your personal brand starts with a neat and complete LinkedIn profile. Your LinkedIn profile is your digital handshake. Ensure every section is complete, from a professional photo to detailed descriptions of your experiences and skills. This not only makes your profile more appealing to viewers but also aligns with LinkedIn’s criteria for a higher SSI score.

2. Find the Right People or Target Audience

Focus on connecting with individuals you already know in person, as well as users within your industry, including thought leaders and those who share similar professional interests. Don’t overlook members from adjacent industries, as they can offer valuable perspectives and opportunities. Additionally, target audiences who, based on your research, are likely to be interested in your products or services.

To enhance the quality of your network and leads, consider exploring LinkedIn search and Sales Navigator. Don’t forget about LinkedIn groups that align with your interests, connecting with attendees of specific LinkedIn events, and employing Boolean Search for more precise audience targeting. This approach allows for a more focused and effective networking strategy.

3. Be Informative and Relevant to Your Niche 

Tailor your content to reflect your expertise and interests. Sharing insights and knowledge relevant to your field not only positions you as an authority but also attracts a targeted audience.

4. Adjust to Your Followers’ Timezone

Timing is everything. Share your insights when your audience is most active to ensure maximum engagement and visibility.

5. Engage with Your Audience

If we are talking about the engagement and organic communicaton, than a LinkedIn post is an excellent source of leads. People who react to and comment on posts related to a specific topic within your industry or target area are clearly interested in that subject. They are all gathered in one place, making it easier to identify potential leads.

Whether you’re engaging manually or using automation tools like, crafting a genuine icebreaker can significantly improve acceptance rates. 

6. Follow a Consistent Posting Schedule 

Regularity breeds familiarity. Establishing a consistent posting rhythm keeps your audience engaged and looking forward to your next share.

7. Don’t Edit Your Post After Publishing 

It is easy to be wise after the event… But not with LinkedIn. Editing after publishing can dampen your post’s reach, as the LinkedIn algorithm favors original, untouched content.

Be careful when publishing on LinkedIn and preserve the authenticity of your posts.

8. Post Different Formats: Diversity Captivates 

Experiment with various content formats — articles, videos, images — to keep your feed dynamic and engaging.

9. Don’t Comment on Your LinkedIn Post First 

Let your audience initiate the conversation. This strategy can enhance engagement metrics and, in turn, your SSI score.

10. Use Relevant Hashtags

Navigate the vast LinkedIn landscape with hashtags. They make your content discoverable to like-minded professionals and industry conversations. However, be mindful that overusing hashtags can backfire, as it may appear as spamming — a practice not appreciated by LinkedIn’s algorithm.

11. Stop Using External Links 

Keep the conversation on LinkedIn. Posts with external links are often deprioritized by the algorithm, so focus on generating content that lives within the platform.

12. Take Optimum Gaps Between Two Posts 

Balance is key. Space out your posts to avoid overwhelming your followers and to keep the LinkedIn algorithm favorable towards your content.

13. Follow Regular Engagement Practice 

Engagement is a two-way street. Regularly interact with your network’s content to foster relationships and visibility.

14. Be Active and Valuable Member of LinkedIn Communities 

Active participation in LinkedIn groups and discussions related to your field boosts your visibility and showcases your expertise.

Contributing insights and engaging in meaningful conversations signals to LinkedIn’s algorithm your active community involvement, positively influencing your SSI score by enhancing engagement and your professional brand.

15. Find Your LinkedIn SSI Score! 

Awareness is the first step to improvement. Regularly check your SSI score to gauge your social selling efforts and identify areas for growth.


To improve your sales on LinkedIn in 2024, concentrate on enhancing your Social Selling Index. Actively engaging with the content of others helps build community and increase visibility. Essentially, boosting your SSI involves combining strategic planning with genuine interactions to ensure your presence on LinkedIn is not only noticeable but also impactful.

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